Sustainability in the bathroom

We have been flashing our pearly whites lately at RecycleSmart with the great news that we are now collecting oral care! We have added toothbrushes, toothpaste, toothpaste tubes, outer packaging and floss containers to our over 100 tricky to recycle items. All this talk about oral care got us thinking about sustainability in the bathroom. When you think of sustainability, the bathroom might not be the first place that comes to mind. However, it’s actually a prime spot for easy eco-friendly changes. Here’s how you can easily turn your bathroom into a greener and more sustainable space!

Bye plastic!

Let’s start with the big one: plastic. From shampoo bottles to toothbrushes, our bathrooms are full of it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Switch to products that come in minimal or no plastic packaging. Think bar soaps, shampoo bars, and bamboo toothbrushes. Bonus points if they’re made locally!

Refill (Don’t landfill)

Ever noticed how quickly those plastic bottles pile up? Opt for refillable products whenever possible. Many stores now offer refills for everything from hand soap to laundry detergent. It’s a win for your wallet and the planet.

Ditch the disposables

Cotton pads, makeup wipes, and razors—these bathroom staples often end up in the trash after just one use. Switch to reusable alternatives like washable makeup pads, cloth wipes, and safety razors. They’ll last longer and save you money in the long run. Don’t forget to switch to sustainable toilet paper as well!

Cut down on your water consumption

We all love a good long shower, but saving water is a key part of sustainability. Install a water-saving showerhead and aim to keep showers short and sweet. And don’t forget to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth—every drop counts!

Rethink your skincare routine

Many skincare products come in single-use plastic and are loaded with synthetic ingredients. Look for brands that offer sustainable packaging, use natural ingredients, and are cruelty-free. At Recyclesmart, we collect any brand of beauty product and get it recycled (don’t forget to make sure it’s empty if it’s liquid). 

Want to spread the word in your community about RecycleSmart? You can become part of our new Champions Program now. 

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