Working together with Councils
to simplify recycling

Recycling isn’t just the right thing to do, it also makes economic sense. Each month, we help councils be diverting tonnes of valuable resources from landfill with our four convenient council services.

The problem

Councils face significant challenges in managing residential recycling habits. Despite having infrastructure such as CRC’s and charity shops, these facilities have limited influence on how residents recycle beyond simply directing them there.

Confusion among residents about correct disposal methods often leads to recyclables ending up in landfill or in the wrong bin.

The absence of effective measurement and reporting tools complicates data collection crucial for Council reporting.

Our Services

Doorstep Collection

Our Doorstep Collection service simplifies recycling by reducing contamination and decreasing red bin usage at home. We engage residents through social media and community management, making recycling both fun and convenient.

Community Recycling Events

Our Community Recycling Events unite residents, reduce landfill waste during cleanups, and offer a turnkey solution with managed logistics.

CRC Collections

We offer a budget-friendly solution for councils to fill gaps in recycling programs. Choose from a catalogue of over 100 items to enhance recycling at your CRC.

Recycling Hub Collections

We collect from recycling stations in your libraries, town halls, or other community hubs. These hubs increase drop-off points, making recycling more accessible and closer to residents, reducing travel distance, and diverting more waste from landfills. We can also provide the recycling hub on lease!

We collect:

Soft plastics




Measurable Impact

We weigh the material collected and do a visual estimate of the contents of each bag. We relay this back to participating Councils on a monthly basis for reporting and promotional purposes.

RecycleSmart app

Our app, with over 100,000 downloads, serves as Australia's leading recycling database. It helps residents recycle over 250 items and provides information on local waste management services. The app also helps to facilitate streamlined communication to residents on waste days and reporting illegal dumping.

Our council partners

Want to know if we are in your area? Click here.

Contact us.

For more information on any of our services, or to see a sample report, get in touch at