Recyclesmart x Clean Up Australia

The two eco-warrior’s have teamed up to make a difference!

As you know, Recyclesmart is on a mission to divert waste from landfills and take the pressure off of our environment. On a similar mission to help the environment, that is now a valued partner of ours, is Clean Up Australia! 

Clean Up Australia

Clean Up Australia started over 30 years ago by an average Aussie “bloke” who decided it was time to make a change. Fast forward 3 decades later, over 18 million people have joined his efforts to clean up their local communities, with 380,000 ute loads of rubbish diverted from landfills! 

Today, we are thrilled to show our support for such an inspiring act of love for the environment. 

What can you do?
If you want to join the war against waste you can click HERE to join a Clean Up Event near you OR book a Power Pickup before the 7th of March and we’ll donate $1 on your behalf! 

Recyclesmart Team


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