
Katie Wardley Katie Wardley

Reduce what’s in your red lidded bin

Cutting down on plastic is different for everyone. It becomes a lot more difficult when you have a whole household to look after. That’s why we figured we’d ask Tahsin, another Recycle Hero and working mum of two about how she has managed to reduce plastic in her family home.

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Katie Wardley Katie Wardley

Plastic Free July Bingo

Plastic Free July begins tomorrow! Going completely plastic free can be so overwhelming that you give up before you’ve even begun! But “zero waste” is a direction, not necessarily a destination.

That’s why we’ve made this Plastic Free Bingo to help you on your way.

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Guest User Guest User

The Lock DOWN Clean UP Challenge!

Sydney’s lockdown has cancelled all of our holiday plans and we are (once again) thinking about random hobbies we can pick up to keep ourselves occupied for the next two weeks. 

Before you pull out your baking ingredients, take on our Lock Down Clean Up challenge to declutter your space and get rid of all those tricky waste items you’ve been hiding in your drawers!

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Guest User Guest User

Battle with Batteries

Global Recycling Day is on the 18th of March, but we’ve dedicated this whole month to re-learning the fundamentals of recycling.

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Guest User Guest User

5 easy ways to save the planet this summer

It is the peak of Australian summer and everyone is out enjoying the sun, dipping into the ocean and ending the day with way too much sand in places where it shouldn’t be.

To anyone who has already taken the steps towards a more sustainable summer, go you! To everyone else, it’s never too late, we’re here to help.

Here are 5 easy ways to soak in the sun AND save the planet this summer!

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